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Floor Plan

: An Essential Tool for Comprehending Real Estate Structure

A floorplan is an indispensable tool when it comes to comprehending the structure of real estate. It serves as a vital element that allows one to grasp the layout of a house and understand the components of the property in a single glance. A photographer who specializes in architecture provides valuable support by employing direct measurements to ensure accurate floor plans.

Moreover, by offering both 2D and 3D representations of the floorplan, it becomes possible to provide consumers with three-dimensional spatial images. This approach significantly enhances their understanding of the real estate space and enables them to visualize the property more effectively.


2D Floor Plan/ Blueprint

The blueprint serves as a clear and concise document that precisely delineates the structure and positioning of the space. It provides comprehensive details for each room within the real estate, including crucial information such as the room's location and size. These details are presented in a straightforward and easily understandable manner, facilitating customers' comprehension of the building's overall structure. The blueprint's simplicity and clarity enable customers to grasp the intricacies of the building more effortlessly.

2 San Jose Rise-Floorplan.jpg

2D Floor Plan/ Colored

A colored floorplan enhances 2D design drawings by introducing vibrant hues and textures, aiding consumers in their understanding of the space. It provides a detailed explanation of the colors and materials utilized for flooring, furniture, and kitchen elements, which can be challenging to convey through traditional floor plans. This approach offers the advantage of showcasing the distinctive features of a particular area by incorporating descriptions of materials and furniture alongside the clear and straightforward structural depiction provided by the design drawing. The colored floorplan breathes life into the representation, allowing customers to visualize the space's characteristics more effectively.


3D Floor Plan/ Isometics(Birdeye View)

The 3D floor plan brings a new dimension to the space, overcoming the limitations of traditional 2D floor plans in expressing furniture placement and wall structures. It aids consumers in comprehending the overall structure and gaining a comprehensive view of the entire space from a bird's-eye perspective.

By visualizing the elements in three dimensions, such as furniture, kitchen fixtures, flooring, and stairs, the 3D floor plan simplifies the understanding of each room's layout. It provides a clear representation of the space, allowing customers to easily grasp the spatial relationships and features that are challenging to convey in a two-dimensional format.

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